OPPC is a welcoming congregation, committed to spiritual growth and compassionate service. We are an active congregation, understanding ourselves to be the hands and feet of Christ. We reach out to our community while maintaining connections with our sisters and brothers around the world.
Our Mission: A thriving faith community engaged in compassionate service.
Our Vision: Growing Together, Becoming More Like Christ.
Presbyterians make decisions as a community. It's our way of living out the Biblical notion that God has created a covenant community. We base our decisions on our traditional sources of authority and guidance—the Bible and the church's constitution. We pray and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in interpreting these sources of authority. We listen to each other, believing that God speaks in the community of the church.
Being a Presbyterian is not a spectator sport, it means active involvement in our community and in our world. Our representative form of government puts significant responsibility on all members of the church. We are continually challenged to think about our faith and how our faith intersects with the world.
The congregation elects their spiritual leaders from among its members, elders and deacons.
Class of 2025
Dolores Battle
April Dunlap
Trevor Grabau
Nancy Lesakowski
Jason Somerville
Class of 2026
Douglas Carpenter
Erin McCampbell Paris
Lynn Morgan
Laurie Patterson
Mike Rodems
Class of 2027
David Brummer
Michael Cid
Mario Eugene
Terrie Murray
Wil Weiss
Each member of session serves on a ministry team, working together to provide leadership in key areas of the church.
A & F’s responsibilities are to recommend an annual budget to session, implement the budget by reviewing revenues and expenses on a monthly basis and recommend adjustments. They also make recommendations to session on financial matters and arrange for an annual audit of church finances.
The CE Team’s goal is to provide an education program for all ages. They arrange for staffing and curriculum subject to approval by the session. The team provides for experiences to allow for persons to grow in faith. Volunteer opportunities are scheduled for youth to be engaged in service. OPPC has a Safe Church Policy that is updated yearly to allow for a secure educational environment for minors and vulnerable adults.
This team provides fellowship activities for the congregation, many of which are open to the community. These activities provide an opportunity for church members to get to know each other, and complements the objectives of the other ministry teams such as the Easter Egg Hunt, which has an educational message about Christ’s resurrection. The team also assists other ministry teams to execute their programs, such as providing refreshments and making deliveries and porch drops.
This team seeks to facilitate people joining the church. They follow up after the pastor has sent out an initial welcoming letter to first time visitors. They provide meet and greet opportunities with those interested in exploring church membership. The team members contact prospective members before/after worship to answer questions and let them know they are welcome. It is also this team’s responsibility to review the church rolls to determine if they include inactive members.
This team develops and allocates funds to organizations at local, national and international levels. Four focus areas are: feeding ministries, support of vulnerable children and families, immigrant and refugee support/ministry and global leadership, learning and service. The Giving Tree at Christmas and The Blessing Box are two of the team’s “signature ministries.”
This team’s responsibility is to manage the 50,000 square feet of OPPC’s plant. The team identifies tasks/repairs/actions that require attention. After setting priorities and based on budgeted funds, they will recommend contracting jobs out or put them on a list to be handled by Tuesdays with Tools. TWT is open to any OPPC member or friend and they gather at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesdays during the program year to help keep the building and grounds safe and presentable for its widespread use. In addition, the team provides specifications on jobs to be contracted. They then evaluate the bids and make recommendations to the session.
This team determines a theme for the annual stewardship drive. They develop a plan for informing the congregation about the theme using a variety of communication platforms. Stewardship at OPPC means more than making an annual financial pledge/commitment as time and talents are also key to effective ministry.
This team assists the Pastor in planning the worship services, including those for special occasions such as World Communion, Remembrance Sunday, Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday. Special attention is given to support the Sanctuary and Hand Bell choirs and guest musicians. The team ensures the set up and oversees volunteer leadership to serve communion, provide for ushers and greeters and Worship Assistants.
There are also Committees of Session that meet regularly which are integral to OPPC’s ministry:
This recently formed committee meets to discuss building use requests and church related activities to ensure the health and safety of attendees in accordance with New York State and local Departments of Health guidelines.
In accordance with the governance (polity) of the Presbyterian Church (USA), the Nominating Committee is elected each year to use discernment and prayer to nominate a slate to be elected that expresses the diversity of the congregation to serve on the Session and Board of Deacons.
This committee is responsible for developing and updating the Employee Handbook, other policies and job description changes. The committee also assists the Head of Staff with other employee matters, including new appointments and annual performance reviews. Salaries and other rates of pay, including annual adjustments, are recommended by the Committee to the Session for approval.
Ruth Huppuch was a longtime faithful member who made a very large and generous bequest to OPPC when she died in March of 2020. A committee was established to create a mission statement and funding criteria to accept and review proposals to recommend to session for approval. Funding proposals that include positive change, creativity, sustainability, education and the arts, diversity and/or unification are what the committee hope to receive in order to have Ruth's legacy of love and kindness live on.
The purpose of the Communication Committee is to support OPPC staff and ministry teams in generating and distributing efficient, effective communication to various relevant audiences.
Members of the Board of Deacons have accepted the responsibility to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless and to any who may be in distress both within and beyond the community of faith.
Deacons partner with families or individuals who, because of health, confinement, living alone, or other circumstances, can benefit from regular contact with a caring member of the congregation.
In addition to caring relationships with particular members, some of the specific areas in which the Deacons are involved are:
Class of 2025
Tanis Berry
Cynthia Grogan
Judy Pilley
Christie Putnam
Donald Schmid
Nancy Wilson
Class of 2026
John Banas
Barbara Clayton
Carolyn DeLucia
Anne Helfrich
Donna Morrow
Mark Thrasher
Class of 2027
Gayle Barton
Griff Esslinger
Michael Malachowski
Robin Testa
Sandy Trampert
We welcome your call (716) 662-9348 or email to any member of our church staff.
Or if you prefer, you may contact us using our online Contact Form.
Rev. Dr. Wylie V. Hughes was born in Atlanta, Georgia, to a strong Baptist family. Blessed with musical talent, he began serving God and the Church as a child, singing in the choir. From a young age, he was told by many members of his church that he would grow to be a great man of God and preach the Gospel. However, his time and season had not yet come.
As a student at the historic Clark Atlanta University, he pursued a Religion/Philosophy and Music degree. Soon after graduating, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps and found himself serving as an Infantryman on the front lines in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Throughout the war, he felt God was too far away to hear his prayers. But in fact, he says, God heard every prayer and it was revealed in what he describes as a “Damascus Road experience,” which led him to answer God’s call to the ministry.
Following the war, he enrolled at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia, earning a Master’s Degree in Divinity. Since then, he has traveled, preached and taught the Word of God throughout Europe, serving churches within the Church of Scotland’s International Presbytery and with the Anglican Archdiocese of Europe. Pastor Hughes' celebratory Service of Installation was held on Saturday, April 2, 2022.
Pastor Hughes currently holds a Doctorate in Pastoral Psychology. He is a motivational speaker, a lecturer and an English teacher, as well as a husband to Rev. Dr. Njeri Wagana Hughes and the father of two beautiful children, Noni and Malik.
Rev Allyn Foster, Pastoral Assistant
Rev. Allyn Foster joined the staff as a part-time Pastoral Assistant in January 2001, after retiring as a pastor in the United Methodist Church. Allyn's primary responsibilities at OPPC include pastoral care, visiting and maintaining contact with all members, in particular those in nursing homes or confined to their homes. Allyn is also involved in teaching adult courses, and occasionally preaching. He is the primary administrative contact to the Board of Deacons.
Linda Babcock, Director of Education and Mission
Linda has served on the OPPC staff since 1995. She plans, implements and coordinates all educational programs for children, youth and young adults and coordinates the Senior High work camp and Confirmation classes. She is the staff liaison to both the Christian Education Ministry Team and Mission Ministry team. In the latter, she assists in the creation of new mission projects while keeping current ones in the front of the congregation. She also serves as a link to pastoral care.
Christine Cotton, Office Manager
Christine joined the OPPC staff in 2021 as the Office Manager. In her role, she is responsible for the administration of the church office, provides executive support, coordinates the use of our church spaces with both internal and external groups, manages various aspects of interdepartmental communications, and manages the church calendar, amongst a myriad of other functions.
Daniel Hay, Building and Grounds Coordinator
Dan joined the OPPC staff in January 2010. He is responsible for the maintenance of all buildings and grounds and for the security of the premises. He performs minor repairs, coordinates with outside vendors, and prepares spaces for the many groups, both inside and outside of OPPC, who use our facilities. Dan also assists at weddings and memorial services. Dan is also the Staff Liaison to the Property Ministry Team. Dan is a member of the Sanctuary Choir.
Jessica Merry, Business Manger
Jessica joined the OPPC staff in the summer of 2022. As the Business Manager she performs the day-to-day bookkeeping functions of the church, maintains business files, and works with the Administration and Finance team (A&F) to manage all financial aspects of the church.
Amanda Putnam, Sunday Morning Christian Education Assistant
Amanda started volunteering for OPPC’s Christian Education programs in 2016. Beginning
September of 2023, she will be present on Sunday mornings assisting in all areas of faith formation with primary responsibility for the Nursery. Amanda received her undergrad in General Education for ages birth through sixth grade, and graduated with her Masters in Student with Disabilities for ages first through sixth grade. Amanda volunteers at Gigi’s Playhouse tutoring children of all ages in literacy, and volunteers as
a softball coach for West Seneca Magic Softball. Amanda looks forward to using her knowledge
to contribute to the church she was raised in!
Xanda Weiss (Pilley), Grapevine Coordinator/Audio Visual Technician
Xanda is a recent transplant to Orchard Park from Kansas City, Missouri.
She started at OPPC as an audio/visual technician working behind the sound board with Perry in October 2022. Recently, she added Grapevine Coordinator to her list of duties. As Coordinator, she will collaborate with staff and ministry teams to produce and distribute the monthly church newsletter
Perry Babcock, Audio Visual Technician/Computer Technician
Perry began as a volunteer behind the sound board in 2002. In 2017, he became part of the staff, as coordination of technology became key to digital ministry. He provides the church with the technical components of worship including sound, video, lights and social media platforms. In addition, he assists the staff with the smooth running of computer systems and software. Perry also provides significant support for our website.
Amelia Wroblewski, Interim Music Director
Amelia is a Buffalo-born educator, pianist, and writer who has spent over ten years as a church musician. Aside from her work as Interim Music Director at OPPC, she currently is a professor at the University at Buffalo’s English Language Institute, tutors children in literacy, and is the accompanist for the Chopin Singing Society. She looks forward to connecting with the congregation and contributing to the faith-filled atmosphere of OPPC.
The safety and well being of our staff, members, visitors and community are of paramount importance to us.
Click here to view our online NY state Labor Law posters and compliance notices.
The Orchard Park Presbyterian Church has a remarkable history of sustained growth from modest beginnings. It has been marked by inspired pastoral and lay leadership, and service by members of the congregation to the community and one another. Its central theme for the past 167 years has been faithfulness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The story begins before the Civil War in 1853 with the founding of the First Free Congregational Church of East Hamburg. An impressive fourteen Articles of Faith were adopted, which contained an unqualified promise to work together as a church to observe “all the ordinances of Christ.”
The founding minister,
Rev. David Powell, served until 1854. Supply ministers filled the pulpit while the congregation reorganized in 1859 adopting the Presbyterian form of government. In 1872, a manse was moved next to the church because Rev. Ephraim Taylor required one for his family. Following Rev. Taylor’s departure in 1876, supply ministers filled in until Rev. S. N. Robinson came in 1881 and was followed in 1886 by Rev. Edwin Robinson in 1886, who stayed until 1904. Rev. John Black served as minister from 1904-1924 when he was fatally injured by a hit and run driver. He was an outstanding speaker, and church attendance increased substantially. Rev. Ernest Eels proved to be a very effective pastor from 1925-1930. Since many families joining our church were former Quakers, on the first Sunday in May our church closed and the congregation met with the Friends at the Quaker Meeting House, a practice that continued until 1946.
In 1931, the
Rev. Norman
became pastor for the next 32 years. He led the congregation through the depths of the depression, World War II and the Korean conflict. A fire set by an arsonist devastatingly burned the church on May 21, 1938. Rev. Irving vowed on the Sunday following the fire, that he didn’t know how, but with God’s love and help we would rebuild by the next year. Church services were held during the interim at the Quaker Meeting House and the Grange building. Exactly one year later, on May 21, 1939, a new church was dedicated. At one point in Rev. Irving’s tenure, membership grew to 1149 communicants. In 1958, the education wing was added. In 1960,
Althea Langworthy was ordained as the first female elder. Rev. Irving was instrumental in founding the Park Parsons group, which has always had enthusiastic Presbyterian participation.
Rev. Jack Bolens guided our church from 1963-1971. He led us through a change from three governing boards to a unicameral organization, with the session as the sole governing body. He is credited with increasing our sensitivities to a rapidly changing world. During Rev. Bolens’ tenure, Associate Pastor Rev. Ken Wood marched with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Selma, Alabama.
Rev. Bruce Porter became pastor of our church in 1971 for 12 years of great growth in church programming and membership. It became apparent that a larger sanctuary would be needed to fulfill God’s call to meet the needs of a growing church and community. Ground was broken on June 4, 1978, and the new sanctuary was dedicated on May 13, 1979.
Rev. Porter was succeeded by the
Rev. James Flemming, who served from 1984 to 1986. He was followed by
Rev. Jack Smiley, who was a steadying influence, serving as interim pastor from 1986 to 1989.
Rev. Harry Winsheimer served as pastor from 1989-1998. A Stephen Ministry program was added which offered one-on-one confidential counseling and faith based support. Also, what is now known as the Family Promise program began, offering temporary shelter to homeless people in participating churches. The program, which has grown and flourished, now has its own building in Buffalo.
Rev. Lincoln Richardson was interim pastor from August 1999 until January 2000, and later that year,
Rev. Elena Delgado was named pastor for the interim, serving until January 2002.
In January 2001, Rev. Allyn Foster, a retired Methodist minister, became our pastoral assistant. He continues to serve, coordinating pastoral care services, including the Board of Deacons, Stephen Ministry and the Community Faith Nursing program.
Rev. Dr. Richard Young was installed as pastor on January 27, 2002 and served until August 2019. Rev. Young's tenure was marked by many accomplishments including re-establishing the Board of Deacons (2003); a capital campaign construction project exceeding $1.5 million (2009); the conversion and renovation of a building on the property which is home to the Southtowns Satellite of the Family Justice Center of Erie County (2011); the establishment of a Faith Community Nursing Program and Health Ministry Team; installation of a church wide access control system and safety programs. Rev. Young led the session to develop the church's mission statement and then encouraged the leadership and congregation to make the statement come to life.
Our past is a compelling story of faith in Jesus Christ. We can be proud of it as we prayerfully consider the present, so that we are able to realize the kind of future that is possible for the followers of Christ here at Orchard Park Presbyterian Church.