Orchard Park Presbyterian Ministry Teams

Administration and Finance Ministry Team:

A & F’s responsibilities are to recommend an annual budget to session, implement the budget by reviewing revenues and expenses on a monthly basis and recommend adjustments. They also make recommendations to session on financial matters and arrange for an annual audit of church finances.

Chair: Mike Rodems

Christian Education Ministry Team:

The CE Team’s goal is to provide an education program for all ages. They arrange for staffing and curriculum subject to approval by the session. The team provides for experiences to allow for persons to grow in faith. Volunteer opportunities are scheduled for youth to be engaged in service. OPPC has a Safe Church Policy that is updated yearly to allow for a secure educational environment for minors and vulnerable adults. 

 Chair: Lynn Morgan

Hospitality Ministry Team:

This team provides fellowship activities for the congregation, many of which are open to the community. These activities provide an opportunity for church members to get to know each other, and complements the objectives of the other ministry teams such as the Easter Egg Hunt, which has an educational message about Christ’s resurrection. The team also assists other ministry teams to execute their programs, such as providing refreshments and making deliveries and porch drops.

Chair: Doug Carpenter

Membership Ministry Team:

This team seeks to facilitate people joining the church. They follow up after the pastor has sent out an initial welcoming letter to first time visitors. They provide meet and greet opportunities with those interested in exploring church membership. The team members contact prospective members before/after worship to answer questions and let them know they are welcome. It is also this team’s responsibility to review the church rolls to determine if they include inactive members.

Chair: Trevor Grabau

Mission Ministry Team:

This team develops and allocates funds to organizations at local, national and international levels. Four focus areas are: feeding ministries, support of vulnerable children and families, immigrant and refugee support/ministry and global leadership, learning and service. The Giving Tree at Christmas and The Blessing Box are two of the team’s “signature ministries.”

Chair: Jason Somerville

Property Ministry Team:

This team’s responsibility is to manage the 50,000 square feet of OPPC’s plant. The team identifies tasks/repairs/actions that require attention. After setting priorities and based on budgeted funds, they will recommend contracting jobs out or put them on a list to be handled by Tuesdays with Tools. TWT is open to any OPPC member or friend and they gather at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesdays during the program year to help keep the building and grounds safe and presentable for its widespread use. In addition, the team provides specifications on jobs to be contracted. They then evaluate the bids and make recommendations to the session.

Chairs: Terrie Benson Murray and John Banas

Stewardship Ministry Team:

This team determines a theme for the annual stewardship drive. They develop a plan for informing the congregation about the theme using a variety of communication platforms. Stewardship at OPPC means more than making an annual financial pledge/commitment as time and talents are also key to effective ministry.

Chair: Mike Cid

Worship Ministry Team:

This team assists the Pastor in planning the worship services, including those for special occasions such as World Communion, Remembrance Sunday, Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday. Special attention is given to support the Sanctuary and Hand Bell choirs and guest musicians. The team ensures the set up and oversees volunteer leadership to serve communion, provide for ushers and greeters and Worship Assistants.

Chair: Wil Weiss

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